Beginning July 1 Slovenia will begin a traffic toll system with the need for those driving to buy vignettes ( traffic toll stickers ) to be placed on your windshield.
They will be sold by gas stations , some post offices and other places.
Signs to advertise this will be posted.
This requirement applies to all autobahns and other major roads in the country.
A six month vignette - 35 euro.
No information on vignettes for shorter periods.
fines if driving without 300-800 euro.
I just bring this back to the top for information
Our local TV had a news story on this last evening-
The slovenia police were actively checking near to the border for vignettes- many do not know about this and face large costs.
It appears only a six month and 12 month vignette is available .
Good information. Thank you.
I%26#39;m glad that this story was run on your TV, Vertical. And I know it%26#39;s also a big story in Croatia. But I%26#39;m not sure if people in Italy are aware of this. I can imagine that Germans and Czechs are not interested.
There were some tourists interviewed for a national TV who claimed they had never heard they had to have a sticker. Well, I cannot see how to send this information to every human being on this world directly to his/her mailbox. This is why we have internet for and Google makes wonders.
Just a litle correction:
till December 2008 only half a year vignettes are planned. Those yearly stickers will be valid for a calendar year and not from a date of purchase - just like in Austria.
And... yesterday the police more or less just warned drivers without a sticker. Be aware of those DARS inspectors! :-) (DARS == ASFINAG)
Good heads up, this was mentioned on Belgrade forum
and it%26#39;s quite a shock to have to pay such a large sum as a passing through tourist.
Yes, people must research, but it%26#39;s not always easy to have this info., especially if driving through before without this toll, many won%26#39;t think about it.
If tourists are being stopped and charged heavy fines so early into this phase, it%26#39;s very poor and relfects badly on Slovenia IMO. For visitors, the charge is far too high and penalties just a money making sceme.
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Removed on: 4:40 pm, July 03, 2008|||
I think that you miss the intent of the original posting - merely to inform those using this forum and perhaps traveling south that the new vignette system exists.
It is not a political comment on the country system- only information.
I would not be so defensive about the issue - If you do not like the methods of the existing government , I assume the best place to vent your dislike is the ballot box in a few months.
The vignette and maut system in Austria simply places the cost of building and maintaining these roads on the wallets of the users - hopefully not the public treasury.
I think Beni was replying to my comment about reflecting badly. It was poorly phrased as I didn%26#39;t mean in the political sense. Simply that if they wish to attract tourism then it%26#39;s the wroing way, however from Beni%26#39;s comments, he advised it%26#39;s no loss to Slovenian people:-)
Any way you look at it, for foreigners it%26#39;s expensive for a weekend break by car across the border, to say Bled for example, unless you do it all the time.
Anyway, a good information O.P. regardless of comment.
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