Hello! I%26#39;m looking for information regarding ticket prices for the New Year%26#39;s Eve Imperial Ball, I looked on the website for ticket prices and they are confusing. Tickets lower than $300 don%26#39;t seem to enable you to get onto the dance floor. I have emailed the website: kaiserball@hofburg.com, http://www.hofburg.com/e/va/index.php., but haven%26#39;t heard back from them. If you can give me some advice on the tickets and what they include, I would greatly appreciate that! I love to waltz and I don%26#39;t want to be turned away because I bought the wrong ticket that won%26#39;t allow me on the dance floor. Thanks so much!
Hello Lindie 12 !
New Years at the Hofburg is a wonderful evening to experience at least one time.
You have already been reading the information- look again and find the Room Plan on the ticket price page.
You will see numerous rooms that form part of the Ball area. example - Festsaaal, Rittersaal , Künstlerzimmer,etc.
The largest Room and center for major events of the evening is the Festsaal..
Non stop orchestra music for dancing - much waltz in a great atmosphere.. The Ballet Ensemble will perform there, The count - down to the new year, and the Midnight show .
All other rooms are not the center of events, some with music but little grand atmosphere.
In my opinion if you plan a gala evening the place to be is the festsaal with a seat for all the happenings.
Guests in the other rooms all are permitted to come into ther Festsaal and dance or watch the festivities, without seating,
for a one hour Gala show- no fun - no place to put a drink- no chance to relax , except to return to the other rooms .where nothing happens.
I never recommend having dinner there- costly and slow service.
I have always attended at the 10:00 PM admission- a nice atmosphere, a glass of sparkling wine, a nice walk up the grand staircase to be greeted by the %26quot;Emperor and Empress %26quot;and then to the Festsaal .
I have seen the dinner guests not finishing their dessert until just before midnight - a long evening beginning at 7 :30
Thus pricing -
Ball ticket with dinner- I do not recommend it
Ball Ticket with seating- recommend but only in the Festsaal ( main Hall ) worth the extra money. Waiters can provide service for wine etc. seating for a rest, plsace for drinks etc. place to sit and watch the shows and activities and naturally the Waltz.
Other rooms cheaper but not the center of activity - some have music but not really interesting. While all guests have access to all halls, those in other rooms than the festsaal are %26quot; second class persons that night%26quot; they must enter the festsaal to see anything.
Ball Ticket without seating- not recommended- it is a long evening to stand - no place for drinks etc.
Many good restaurants have New Yeaars Gala Dinners with better food, better service and much cheaper. The money saved pays for some of the better ticket.
If you need more info- just ask!
Much appreciation to Vertical for the great information on the Imperial Ball. I have been looking all over and was only able to find one personal review of the experience, from a adult dance group from the US. Their tickets were coordinated by their dance instructor. Your reply to Lindie 12 was a great help to us and answered many questions.
We were considering for our December 2007 anniversary, a trip to Vienna (It would be our second trip to this magnificent city.), this time to attend the Imperial Ball. We thought of utilizing the InterContinental Hotel package, which includes the ball ticket, dinner, and 3 nights%26#39; hotel; however, Festsaal, or main hall, does not seem to be an option with this package.
We were thinking just what you said, that the best way to enjoy this experience if only once, would be to have reserved seating (either with or without dinner) in the Main Hall. Dinner is not that critical; our priority is to enjoy the show, the ballet and the waltz, with seating in the Main Hall where the entertainment is held. If we do go, we want to do what will be the best experience, including where we stay, how we get to the ball, where our seats are and how we get back to the hotel, whichever one we select. In your opinion, at this late date, what is the best way (or any way?) to obtain 2 Ballroom tickets in the Main Hall, with seating, as you recommend? (We realize that by now (September) this category of ticket may be sold out, in which case we may need to go for the 2008 ball instead.)
The Hofburg at New Year%26#39;s Eve is an experience we would definitely like to do once; however, it is quite expensive to arrange
and we%26#39;d like to do it right!
Thank you for any advice you can provide!
Hello jtm abroad !
You visit vienna at a special time in my opinion.
Make reservations soon as the city is always completely full at this time.
for tickets to the main Hall-
send a request with requirements to the e-mail address shown
under events
I assume that you have already searched this site as you found the Intercont package.
I would contact the following hotels about reservations and/or packages.
The Grand Hotel - on the Ring - near to the Opera. They are also opening a new hotel in November - just across the Ring from the original - to be called %26quot; The Ring %26quot; I think.
They may have some specials with these added rooms.
This is within easy walking distance to the Hofburg . Many ladies choose to wear casual shoes to walk to the Palace. with ball shoes in a bag and then change before entering- checking the bag with the coats.
Also look to LeMeredien on the Ring - close by - 5 minutes to walk?
Known to less people - The Style hotel ( a Renaissance ) but with just 60-70 rooms on Herrengasse 3 minute walk to the Hofburg.
If you stay at the Intercont - best to take a taxi.
The staff at the ball - usually near to the door - will call taxis for guests when they leave but be prepared to wait a while.
Best to reserve a nearby hotel.
I have walked home several times on New Years - 3-5 AM -no problems -
If you have no luck with tickets from the Hofburg- you can always use a ticket agency ( they can always find good tickets but at a premium )or ask your reserved hotels Concierge . They can find what you require also.
In my opinion, this evening is something very special to those that enjoy such events- Your first glass of sparkling wine in the nice surroundings, walking up the grand Staircase to be %26quot; Greeted %26quot; by Emperor and Empress , then entering the Festsaal - then a waltz-
A great way to begin a New Year!
If you need more information just ask.
Hello Lindie12,
Did you attend the ball? I am thinking of attending this year. Would you kindly send your review if you attended? And any information on which tickets you had (dinner or not dinner, etc.) or any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. jtmabroad
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