Tuesday, March 27, 2012

questions about trains

As some may notice, i will travel in Vienna, Budapest, Prague by train. I got all timetables from oebb.at but can%26#39;t find any cost of them. My questions are

1. Where can i find the cost of each route? Like to calculate the cost so i can exchange the money. Credit card accepted to buy ticket?

2. During my search the route from Prague to Vienna, I got this %26quot;SC 73 (Praha-Holesovice - Wien Südbahnhof (Bstg. 01-09)) Starker Reisetag - bitte unbedingt Sitzplatz reservieren!!!%26quot; Can u help translate?

3. As suggested by friend tripadvisor, i better buy individual for each route rather than a pass. Is it costed me the same at each station i.e. for Vienna to Budapest, i need to buy ticket in Vienna but for a return trip...should i buy in advance in Vienna or should i buy at Budapest? Should i do the same in for the ride to Prague?

REally appreciated your help always


I have just created a thread about tickets to the Czech Republic:


Ticket Purchase here (only German but logical)


Abfahrtsbahnhof %26gt; Departure Station (From)

Ankunftsbahnhof %26gt; Arrival Station (To)

Reisedatum der Hinfahrt %26gt; Travel Day (From)

Reisedatum der Rückfahrt %26gt; Travel Day (back/return)

1 Reisender %26gt; 1 adult (you can add further passengers)

KEINE ERMÄSSIGUNG %26gt; NO discount

Zahlungsart %26gt; Mode of payment

Wien %26gt; Budapest: 34€

ad 2)%26quot;Starker Reisetag - bitte unbedingt Sitzplatz reservieren!%26quot; means %26#39;Busy train - reservation recommended%26#39;

ad 3)Passes are often discussed here as their usability is limited if you don%26#39;t travel a lot. I would buy a return trip ticket as I personally don%26#39;t care about small savings because of currency disparities etc.


do you advice to buy online or can go to the station, buy it and board.


I would refrain from the online purchase far in advance as it is simply not necessary. Bear in mind that a refund is not given to online tickets. Only if you want to book the highly discounted tickets, you need to do it online. You can still do it one day before or on the day of departure if you have access to a PC with internet and printer.


Thanks a bunch Mikey Vienna.


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