Hello! I%26#39;m planning a trip that will take me from Venice to Vienna in early October. Trying to decide if it would be best to take a plane or train. Both are around the same price.
Wondering if the train ride is scenic and worth the 8 hours it takes? (Obviously I would go during the day.) Or should I just take an airplane?
If I took the train, would you have a suggestion as to where or what side to sit on for best views?
Hi -- I%26#39;m going from Vienna to Venice toward the end of October and decided on plane even though it was a bit expensive. Just seemed a lot easier to me.
Sure get the plane but you would be missing out on one of the world%26#39;s great rail journeys - nothing beats arriving in Venice by train and it is a fantastic experience. The journey across the lagoon by train is just mindblowing. And it is more hassle by plane as you have to actually get to Venice from the airport - OK the boat trip is nice, but the train takes you right to the centre.
You have two realistic options: the night train leaving Westbahnhof at 20:40, arriving at 08:45 (this way you save shelling out on a hotel for the night and you will still catch the scenery if you are up early) - you will arrive in Venice at a perfect time of the morning as it is not too crowded and hot - you just walk straight out onto the Grand Canal.
The other option is the day train leaving Suedbahnhof at 06:30, arriving at 13:30 - you get all the scenery, but you arrive at the most crowded time.
Buying tickets: You can do it online here oebb.at/pv/…
Click on the %26#39;Book Online%26#39; button - the rest is in German but it is quite straightforward and now is the time to get that German dictionary out as it will save you a packet. There are some very cheap fares out there - for example I just did a random check for 30th July and there are couchette (like a sleeper - lite) places in a 4-berth compartment for only 49 Euros, including couchette supplement. There are some available for cheaper, but you will have to hurry as they go very quickly. DO NOT use Rail Europe, as that is the most expensive possible way of doing it.
Make sure that you specify Venezia Santa Lucia (otherwise you might end up in Mestre, which is an industrial place on the other side of the lagoon), and also make sure that you specify one of the trains that I mentioned above, otherwise you will have to change.
Good luck!
GCEK - great info, but I think westpt is doing the opposite journey from Venice to Vienna!
You%26#39;re right - just turn the places around then westpt. It%26#39;s still a nice journey (and cheaper)!
If you can have the flight for the same price, then take the plane. The passing of the Semmering is doubtless breathtaking, but not worth to sit on the train for more than 8 hours. Well, the remaining landscape isn%26#39;t bad either but again, I would not do that in this case.
If you do not mind a short ride to Treviso- venice airport 25-30 kilometers perhaps
you can fly Sky Europe to Vienna in about 1 hour 15 minutes - price from 1-19 euro inclsive on selected days - 39 euro others.
If you want to do the night train, it doesn%26#39;t matter how long it takes as presumably you will be asleep, but if you want to go during the day then fly by all means, but you only live once, and the train is so much more atmospheric, and so much less hassle!
Night train leaves at 20.28, arrives 08.30 (and you save on a hotel room), the day one leaves 14.44 and arrives exactly 7 hours later at 21.44.
Hello, im also going from Venice to Vienna in Aug 2008, and i chose to fly there with Sky Europe, bit dearer but saves 6 hours Journey time!!!
Whats the best way to get to Treviso Airport from Venice??? and how long?? My flight is at 1.30pm, think i have to be there 1hr before flight as well, cheers in advance
Good question for the appropriate Italian forum!
Yes indeed - Venice forum would be able to help you but as to the %26#39;6 hours journey time saved%26#39; - it isn%26#39;t really as you have to get to and from the airports (and Treviso is not a short hop from Venice by any means), check in, wait around for baggage, etc, by which time it is about the same. I know where I would rather be!
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